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P2 Beacon Maths Portal

Hi , pupils.

You can now access the P2 Beacon Maths Portal. (You need to log in with your IC number and the default password)

Since you are now 1 year older, you are encouraged to participate more actively in the Maths Forum. You can ask and create your own questions and post them to the relevant Maths Forum. You can get your friends and even your teachers to try the questions you have created.

Have fun!

Numbers To 100 Revision

Hi, pupils.

We will be learning numbers to 1000 this year.

Let's revise on the Numbers to 100 before you start to learn more about numbers to 1000.

Here are the interesting Web Resources that you can try.

(1) BBC- Place the Pengiun (Choose Level 1)

(2) BBC - Numeracy (Choose Medium)

(3) Shark Numbers

(4) Number Sense

Practice your "Number To 100" skills before you advance to the next higher level. Have fun!

“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” Thomas Edison