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T1W6 : How much is the apple?

1 apple costs as much as 2 oranges.
2 apples cost $1 more than 2 oranges.
What is the cost of 1 apple?


Ong Chong Hwee said...

1 apple ($1) = 2 oranges ($0.50 each)
2 apples ($2) = 4 oranges ($2)
since 2 apples cost $1 more than 2 oranges : difference is 4 oranges -2 apples = $1
The cost of 1 apple = $1

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

2 oranges = $1
1 apple = $1
therefore 2 apples = $2 - $1(2oranges) = $1

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